Elections, Electoral Systems and Electoral Behavior (#)

Course Code
ECTS Credits
8th Semester
Course Category
Political Science

#Temporary Teaching Staff#

Course Description

The aim of the course is to investigate and analyse voting behaviour and the parameters that determine it and decisively influence the choice of voters in the elections. In this context, students learn the basic explanatory models of electoral sociology: electoral geography, political ecology, behavioral approaches developed by the Columbia and Michigan Schools, rational choice, and the macro-sociological model. Other topics with which students will become familiar include the relationship between voter and party identification and the causes of the major changes in voting behavior in recent elections in Greece and elsewhere. The course also aims to analyze electoral systems and their impact on voting behavior and the party system. Students carry out learning activities (small-scale exercises) developing skills and abilities in the use of writing, gathering and prioritizing data from various sources, both print and electronic. They are also tested during the teaching period in progress tests.

(#) To be offered in 2024-2025 only in case of recruitment of an Adjunct Lecturer or Academic Fellow